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Daimon and Ana Helstrom are the son and daughter of a mysterious and powerful serial killer. The siblings have a complicated dynamic as they track down the terrorizing worst of humanity – each with their attitude and skills.

Helstrom premieres on Hulu on October 16th.

S1E1: Mother’s Little Helpers

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The way the show opened up with the introduction to Daimon Helstrom was remarkable. It was well shot, smartly written, and overall sets you up for what’s to come within Daimon’s character.

Another standout from the pilot is the cinematography and the score. The dark tones of the show are met with a dark color palette and an equally dark score.

You can’t ask for a better opening episode. The writing was magnificent, the direction was great, technically beautiful, and the acting was fantastic. Daina Reid and Paul Zbyszewuski did a great job of setting the stakes for us to understand what is happening and what is to come.

S1E2: Viaticum

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Before I talk about the episode, I’d like to speak about how simple but yet, amazing the opening credits of the show are. It is different, it is creepy, and it just sets the perfect tone for the show.

After setting such a high bar with the opening episode, my biggest concern was if whether or not we were going to be let down by the following episode, or it would be a little lighter on the story, but that wasn’t the case here.

They present us with more backstory between the relationship between Ana and Daimon. We find out more about their relationship with their mother, Victoria. I will also say that Elizabeth Marvel, who plays Victoria, has been only had a small amount of screen time in two episodes, but she is stealing the show so far.

S1E3: The One Who Got Away

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Episode three moved some pieces along and put some missing pieces together. I would say this is the weakest of the three episodes so far but still a lot to chew on within the episode.

S1E4: Containment

Rating: 4 out of 5.

The camera work on this show top-notch. The directors do a great job of utilizing the angles of which make you see what you need to and also pan to the right moments to see what you are about too. As each episode progresses, meaningful moments are enhanced by the camera work.

Sydney Lemmon and Tom Austen have this interesting dynamic as brother and sister that feels true to life. While they are both consistently there for each other, they still have issues from their past that keeps them from overcoming certain obstacles placed in front of them. They collectively make it work and believable.

Another top notch episode continuing the story.

S1E5: Committed

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

We are at the halfway point in the show here, and I will have to admit that this episode was my favorite of the bunch. We have so many questions that still are left on the table, but this elevated the story to new heights.

The storytelling is nothing short of remarkable when you are watching this, as they do this fantastic job of keeping you on the edge of your seat in what is to come next.

Another well-acted, well-directed, and technically sound episode that makes you ready for more.

The Verdict:

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

The Verdict through 5 episodes.

From top to bottom, this was a fantastically casted show. Tom Austen leads the way with his perfect mix of charisma, sarcasm, and charm. We see from the moment he was on the screen during the pilot until the end of the finale, Austen delighted as Daimon Helstrom.

I was thoroughly impressed as the show progressed with Paul Zbyszewski’s writing. He was committed to telling the story and investing in his characters. The attention to every little detail was impressive because it forced you to invest, and I loved that he did that.

Through five episodes, Helstrom is one of the best shows of 2020.

Jacob is a film critic and co-founder of the Music City Drive-In. He is a member of the Music City Film Critics’ Association and specializes in the awards season. You can find him on Twitter @Tberry57.

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